This iconic product sprang into our consciousness in the 1960's as the boot worn by the rebellious youth (the newly invented teenager) who no longer dressed as clones of their parents but had developed 'self expression'. Up until this point the Dr.Marten was the footwear of workmen - hard wearing (indestructible) , kept those little tootsies safe and the air sole was SO comfortable. I think everyone of a certain age has had a pair. I can remember living in my boots as an art student. They went with anything out of a charity shop, kept your feet warm as the college studios were cold chilly places and you could walk for miles in them. I have very fond memories of those boots.
They haven't been popular in the last 20 years as trainers, skate boots etc have taken there place. However they haven't gone away. I was sitting in a Falmouth cafe in the spring and I was heartened to see they are still worn by art students - and now in such brilliant colours. My 11 year old daughter stated her desire for a purple pair and I will get her some because no mother can possibly say these boots are anything but sensible!!!